November 21, 2016
Informational Hearing: Update on the Water Storage Investment Program Quantification Regulations
- Agenda - 11/21/2016 [pdf]
- Background - 11/21/2016 [pdf]
- Proposed Revsion to Regulations
- Component Scores
- CWA Decision Process Timeline
August 5, 2016
Informational Hearing on the Proposed Park Bond: Investing in California's Future: Facilitating Parks & Outdoor Access for All
- Agenda - 8/5/2016 [pdf]
- Background - 8/5/2016 [pdf]
- California Water, Climate, Coastal Protection And Outdoor Access for All Act of 2016
- Legislative Analyst's Office: Overview of Bond Funding for California State Parks
- Panel Biographies
February 2, 2016
Joint Hearing Topic: Update on Proposition 1, California's Water Bond: The Water Quality, Supply & Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014
- Agenda - 2/2/2016 [pdf]
- Background - 2/2/2016 [pdf]
- Agency Panel Bios with Agency Descriptions, & Prop. 1 Allocations by Agency
- Stakeholder Panel Bios with Affiliation Description
- Prop 1. Fact Sheet
- State Agency Prop. 1 Responsibilites
- Prop. 1 Budget Expenditures
- Prop. 1 Allocation Balance Report
- Prop. 1 Multi Year Rollout Plan
- Legislative Analyst Office: Overview of Prop. 1 Appropriations
- CA Water Action Plan Implementation Report - 2015 Summary of Accomplishments